How Can Your Student Earn a Debt-Free College Degree?

I didn't want my son to be burdened with student loans for 20+ years of his life. But, I had failed to save enough money to pay for his college degree. So, I coached him to win nearly $100,000 in scholarships, and he's now a debt-free college graduate!

Students don't need a perfect 4.0 GPA to win scholarships! Average students can win scholarships, if they know how.

Students don't have to come from a low-income household to win scholarships! Most scholarships don't even ask about a student's financial situation.

Students don't have to be star athletes to win scholarships! Sports scholarships make up a tiny fraction of the scholarships out there.

Subscribe to the Your Daily Scholarship newsletter to get a new scholarship, and the latest in college-prep, delivered to your inbox every day.

And, be sure to check out Scholarship GPS, my on-demand course where I share the tools, methods, and strategies I used to coach my son to his debt-free college degree.

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I coached my child to win over $95,000 in college scholarships (so far), and I coach students and parents to achieve their own debt-free college degree.